Copyright 1998 - NADA Over the millennia, starlight has been reaching the earth - actively forming, and developing, and taking part in the evolution of life-forms. Mankind is part of this cosmic process, the very elements of our physical bodies being the result of a super-nova event. At what moment did the life-form called human awaken to the mysteries of the heavens? "Who am I?"
Were these the first questions when man began
to contemplate - began to reach to the stars to understand his place in
the universe? If we were to time-travel back into the medieval ages, we
would find these basic questions concerning the nature of humanity in the
universe being explored through the nine disciplines or liberal arts:
The Architects of Light took starlight
and poured it into the cathedrals. The cathedrals are a gathering of light.
Our connection with the universe could have contributed to the impulse that produced the Gothic cathedrals. The cathedrals were meant to be a symbolic model of the universe. They embodied the science, technology and mystical arts of the Gothic era. The cathedrals perceptually demonstrate the principles
Few people today realize that the science that built the great cathedrals and the science that uses the planetarium we are sitting in have a common foundation. The mathematics and thinking of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Euclid - to name a few - contributed directly to the development of the Gothic cathedrals and the development of scientific method. The trigonometry and geometry that was used to
The cathedrals have in turn provided inspiration to many great scientists, artists, writers and revolutionary thinkers; among these are Dante Alighieri, Nicholas Copernicus, Ernest Rutherford, Buckminster Fuller. In the language of the middle ages, the cathedrals based their expression on the principle, "God is Light". In the language of modern physics, how different is that idea from the privileged position that light is now given as the governing constant in our most basic laws, for instance, the laws of relativity? Behind the intelligence...
Here's what astrophysicist Steven Hawking has to say, "If people continue to ask intelligent questions long enough, they will discover the mind of God". And now quantum physicist David Bohm, "Mind and matter... both unfold from a common ground, which enfolds them and which is thus the basis of their relationship. Ultimately this would be the ground of all that is, the beginning and ending of everything". Perhaps the Architects of Light are not only those who have broken through old ways of structuring the universe, but also those who have gone beyond the limitations of their own bodies and minds. Are there any such architects among us here now? |