THE ELIXIR (Of Primal Trust)
Throughout the mirrors reflecting reflections of mirrors reflecting mirrors reality, whose inflection is otherwise called the temporal sphere known as phenomenal history, some cultures and traditions have made allusion to the relationship of the human sexes in a way other than is presently known and manifested. Into the 21st century, the female of the species is struggling to attain a degree of parity with her male counterparts in some of the "industrially westernized" countries, but throughout the rest of the human population there is no question of female subservience to male domination. Strangely, this imbalanced relationship has come about because of a reaction to a feature of human biology. Although nowadays the males strut about as if the masters of the species, there is a little secret that totally contradicts this notion of male superiority. It has to do with the fact that there is something very special about the sexuality of the human female. It is scientifically known that a great number of women are able to experience wave after wave of multiple orgasms (with or without ejaculation) during sexual intercourse. (This comes about through a primary order of vulval energy receptors and transformers in the clitoris, vagina, cervix and uterus, as well as plexuses in the nipples, lips, tongue, anus and skin, connecting to and able to integrate all other systems in the body.) Males seem to be able to experience only one ejaculatory orgasm at a time, after which a recovery period is necessary in order to continue intercoursing. Due to this essential difference between the way sex is ordinarily experienced by females and males, a peculiar twist has occurred in human relationships over the past 5000 years. It continues to be a major factor in the destiny of all sentient-systems on this planet... At the very least, immediate rebalancing is necessary on a worldwide level...
When a woman is fully aroused sexually, she can literally continue building the energy well beyond the stimulation tolerance of almost any man. Her gift of sustained ascending plateaus of orgasms, can often be accompanied by large quantities of ejaculated sexual fluids (which can also be integrated into specific conscious applications). This capability comes through the clitoral network system, which appears to operate completely independently of any reproductive function. No such organ independent of a reproductive role exists in the anatomy of human males. Sexually speaking, in this way the female is more developed and powerful than her male counterpart. (The real reason for the independence of the higher sexual transformation systems from the reproductive ones relates to their true potentials, which go infinitely beyond the organic side effects of mere pleasure, emotional bonding, affection or any social necessity.) Through design, universal nature has intentionally given woman the mantle of leadership in this realm. Through special conscious work practices the male can be brought into sexual balance with her. This, also, does not appear to be an accidental but a controlled coincidence... Long ago, such a natural universal intention was recognized by both males and females, and as a result many traditions gave females the sacred work of initiating males into the deeper potentialities of sex. These deeper potentialities are connected to transformational forces and energies that actually allow human beings to consciously evolve at a far faster rate than would accidental mechanical evolution. In other words, dedicated conscious sexual work can help to evolve and alter the RNA-DNA - from the inside. It was the true purpose of Alchemy to integrate, transform and bring to optimum harmonious balance, the conscious gravity-electro-chemistry of the full human body with the conscious gravity-electro-chemistry of the universe, throughout all its functions. And at one time, this was exactly what was achieved by the sexual priestesses and their partners in the ancient Tantric traditions. It must be noted that conscious balance and high indifference (sometimes called impartial equanimity love) are the foundation of these loveplays, not the imbalance of any ego structure. In true tantric situations, there is no presumption based on the past, no expectation based on the future, no clinging based on the present. Tantric work of this order provides regenerative force to the greater Universe. What is referred to here as the sex energy, is not necessarily related to just the "reproductive" system or the physical sexual act. It refers to the force that underlies the entire universe. The genitals in humans are terminals, reciprocal transfer interfaces with receptors, transmitters, transblenders, transformers and transcenders,, which when correctly engaged through an all centers connection (without any selfishness, violence or unconscious sleep), allow this universal energy to balance, rejuvenate and activate all higher potentials for transformational work. It is the matrix for all scales of information, no matter at what level, and it brings everything to conscious fulfillment according to its necessity. It is one of Humanity's true functions to consciously transform, regenerate and transcend all apparitions of scale, distinction and self-image in any and all "universes" that may appear, into the Inconceivable Awakened Presence. Unconditionally surrendering to Being Sex, makes it possible to co-emerge with the entirety of the Universe and in so Being/Doing, realize the Universal Being Consciousness Turning Tantra. When a human couple's Real Being Bodies are integrated and inseparably unified, their tantric sex will turn them inside out and back again but now as a new Universal Being Consciousness. The deeper the ecstatic equilibrium, the more penetrating the accommodation underlying all scales of existence. The deeper the accommodating penetratration, the less the resistance, the more the openness to transformation and transcendence. If they are in truth co-emerged completely with the greater universe, their tantric turning will at the same moment turn the entire Universe into ITS next conscious evolution...
Infinite Motion-Eternal Stillness/Eternal Motion-Infinite Stillness...
It is the Lotus Force upon Which Tantra Is Enthroned. Voidness Embracing Voidness.
With regard to these Real Being Bodies, there is now only a partial reference as to their existence and true function. The current, and somewhat older systems that speak of the various "higher" or "lower" centers, or the "chakras", are usually described in terms of how they affect the consciousness of the individual. In reality, these centers are seeds for developing operational embodiment in an interpenetrating series of rainbows of ever more refined and encompassing dimensions of reality, that extend far beyond the phenomenal, as it is presently understood. In other words, each chakra is a seed from which a specific type of body can be produced, which can be operated in its own realm, subject to its own laws and possibilities of conscious evolution. Misalignment and out of phase relationship between these bodies leads to various conditions and diseases (individually and collectively). When all the centers, their corresponding bodies and energy systems have been allowed to actualize all inherent potentials through a consciousness that has integrated, harmonized and inseparably unified each and all, this makes possible modes of work and play transcending the scale and reach of even the most developed human imagination... Para-ZeroInfinity
Based on these principles, sexual initiatresses would carefully guide their male (sometimes female, and more advanced configuration and orientation) consorts into the higher dimensions through practices that allowed for integration into levels beyond primate-human psychology. (A primary foundational practice develops consciously, actively allowing and accommodating complete openness to one another, gradually infusing the body-mind-being with unshakeable trust. Another develops co-sensing (co-sentience), in which the male and female partners switch the sensing of each other's bodies; the female to male and male to female. (This then eventually advances to the exchanging of feelings or co-empathy, and then into the sharing of mental space or telepathy, and thus into Being co-transference...) Another of these beginning practices helps a man to develop the ability to have orgasms in which he injaculates thereby accumulating the force rather than blowing it off through ejaculation. It allows the male to have continuous multiple ingasms, rather than single sequential orgasms. Among other things, these types of conscious climax plateaus, in both men and women, re-open a state of balanced clarity, in which pure sensation, beyond pleasure and pain, directly merges into true indivisible feeling, assisting in re-connecting the organic body and its functions to all higher centers, bodies and ever evolving algorithms of consciousness. The process is analogous to fusion instead of fission unifying rather than fragmenting. In the more advanced phases of this work/loveplay, an orgasmic/ingasmic cyclotron is generated for consciously developing trans-energetic, non-destructive, non-downscalable spaces. In conjunction with this, through conscious pranic breathing (such as the Pure Love Breath), conscious movement and conscious stillness, new elements are co-emerged for creating higher atmospheres, spaces and eternities.) Through their mutual continuous efforts practitioners were able to attain immutable parity in the complementary energies (in their primal co-emergent undifferentiated essence known as alpha male/omega female alpha female/omega male - and beyond) that constitute a truly harmonious human being, a being who would then be able to direct hir evolution at an incredibly accelerated rate, instead of at the interminable drag of ordinarily imbalanced existence. Through conscious recognition and gratitude of this biological fact and the correspondingly profound possibilities that the Universe had thus evolved for the species, many human beings were able to realize joyful completion of their potentials through Inherent-Perfection Tantra...
However, allowing consciousness to passively fall into the motion and momentum of the time-space-energy-matter complex, to the exclusion of all other aspects of reality, can generate a distorted and twisted sense of separation. Being enclosed within the reflexive magnetic symmetry of one's own projections of as-if disunion can generate an entire illusory world of struggle and perpetual conflictedness. And everything within this bubble reality will reinforce and maintain the apparent separation - a dualistic divide between a self-identity and that which is not this "self". One of the side-effects of Tantra is to pop all such bubbles - even before they arise... (None of the impulses such as fear, anger, jealousy and the lot, are "primal" in any way; they are merely overinflated ego-encapsulations that have no existence apart from the contrived camouflage of ego. Nor are they the opposite of the Primordial Trust, Conscience, Love, Equanimity, Compassion, Presence... whose unbroken continuity sustains even illusion, yet which neither arises nor ceases, beyond beginning, middle, end or endless...) For those who wish to remain in their fantasy of fragmentation, the true Force of SEX must be controlled and repressed at all costs - even though it is impossible to effectively do either. Control is the first thing one irrevocably surrenders upon entry into the Sacred Sanctuary of Tantra, while Sex is the irrepressible intrinsic emanation of such Inconceivable Enlightenment. The Ultimateless Clarity of the Void transforms and transcends all "darkness and light"...
Thus, in this unfolding historical scenario bubble, becoming encapsulated, internally and externally, in one form of imbalance or another, like a polarized matriarchy or a polarized patriarchy - ultimately leads to the same apparent result; being trapped in a recurring loop of self-generated suffering. With the former, the imbalance leads to homogenous stagnation, intrigue, corruption, disease and putrefaction unto irreversible collapse; with the latter (as now), the imbalance leads to constant conflict, competition, over consumption, willful destruction and annihilation of everything sustaining life, unto irreversible collapse... Within this polarized patriarchy, for some of the males (and a few of their vehement female enablers) with less developed reason the situation subjectively appeared to put them into the vulnerable position of servants and pupils to their objectively impartial female instructors; and because chronically crystallized self-reinforcing unconscious reactivity into fear, anger, delusion, pride, jealousy, vanity, hatred, malice, aggression (active and passive), resentment, lust, greed, hypocrisy, laziness, sloth, stupidity, exhaustion, and above all, ignorance, wouldn't allow them to admit or comprehend that with regard to sex, and wisdom in general, the male was indeed in need of the knowledge, power and subtlety that the female could pass on to him for everyone's benefit, these vainglorious and violent ones decided to create a diversion through other means. These "other means" required that the true essential impulse Universal Conscience be replaced by something that temporarily but effectively blocked it out, something that could be tenaciously and reflexively clung to - personal survival at any cost. Through the sham identity generated by this destructively fragmented and fragmenting personal impulse and its self-reinforcing, other-based "suffering" - which even extended out to the "absolute", it became possible to carry out the agenda of competition, conflict, conquest, war, distrust, dis-ease and disintegration, a toxic cocktail of corruption that continues to leave its irrationally-rupturing mark on all life... (As this cycle has repeatedly unfolded, the infinitely compassionate embrace of All-Enlightened Presence has impartially enfolded all phenomena - even the most negative ones. Form is voidness, voidness is form. There is no distinction between Phenomena and Non-Phenomena Samsara and Nirvana are equally void...) Because of the driving force of their recurring inner terror of disruption at an essential level, these outwardly fixated, phenomenal-junkie beingnesses were generally more aggressive physically, mentally and emotionally, and due to the willingness to do anything necessary to get their way - immensely more unethical, the members of this chronically self-deluded movement coerced, bullied, menaced and terrorized the more peaceful, empathetic (male and female) members of their species into the fabricated orders of their inflexible, rigidly small, egophrenic minds. (And yet, every form of consciousness is voidness...) Through compulsive lying, constantly inciting fear, authoritarian intimidation, murder and relentless, cunning subterfuge such as turning oppression into victimhood, spreading false equivalencies as "balance", and rabidly denying, suppressing, obstructing and obfuscating the truth through"alternative facts", they forced others to accept their limited views and abilities, and slowly but surely undermined and corrupted the miraculous gift of female sexual potency by the fanatical suppression and control of all women (inadvertently cutting off the true possibilities of sexual transformation for men as well). At the same time, through male-dominated cultural, political, economic, religious, ideological and "science" propaganda, their institutions and contrived ego "moralities", the Feminine was undermined; and so women in general were portrayed as inferior, incomplete, incompetent, weak, hysterical, deceitful, treacherous, untrustworthy, unstable, unequal, unintelligent, crazy, pathetic, easily victimized or just plain "confusingly different" but much desired sexual trophy objects - and thus needed to be protected, controlled, and thereby could be effectively marginalized, by men. (In the most extreme cases, females were viewed as merely the dependents and property of males - and subject to their, often brutal, dictates, including the violent subjugation of all women's wombs to male authority and punishment.) (And yet, all perception is voidness...)
Instead of being acknowledged as a sacred universal presence, the breathtaking beauty and awe-inspiring transforming power of women's sexuality was portrayed as the source of seduction, corruption, disruption and spiritual downfall, where coitus itself was viewed as base abomination, and the sexual role of women was subverted to that of being merely breeders and mothering nurturers of the human species. (This limiting view generated the attitude that a "real" woman was obligated by the genetics of organic, instinctive nature, and not by Primal Conscience, to bear and raise children. By maintaining this confinement of her sexuality and body, male-controlled society would recognize her as an exemplar of womanhood, putting her on motherhood's saintly pedestal of "purity and faithfulness".) The secondary feature of reproduction, portrayed not only as a "divinely ordained" biological but a social survival necessity, was then given primacy in the female, with the nuclear family surreptitiously replacing the community of conscious universal evolution. (And yet, every concept is voidness...) On the other extreme, women's sexuality was the projected object of every imaginable, unconscious, deviant "dirty pleasure", and the target of cruel contempt, violence and exploitative enslavement. (Any women who instinctively attempted to explore, discover and fulfill the gifts of their true sexual nature were immediately accused of being "hoes" and inevitably became mercilessly demonized, dehumanized, disrespected isolated outcasts, usually relegated to the lowest levels of nearly every such society.) (And yet, all feeling/sensation is voidness...) This dualistic psychological indoctrination was then applied to all women - imperceptibly programming in a polarized, almost schizophrenic, inner and outer view of sex. And most significantly, sex was viewed as a predominantly physical act, totally ignoring all its conscious transformative dimensions. Along with a prohibition against even seeing complete nudity, and when seen, conditioning shame, revulsion and a sense of guilt about feeling pleasure at viewing the inherent beauty of the naked form, especially the genitals, breasts and nipples - almost from infancy, females were and still are trained to mistrust, criticize and abhor their bodies, while at the same time being programmed to be obsessed with body image and their "appropriate and inappropiate behaviours". Synchronously, to a large extent, males were conditioned into perceiving a particular type of female form as the idealized sexual object of their attention, misinformed by the dissociated, lust-driven mutual masturbation and aggressive male dominance of most "pornography", and thoroughly oblivious to the spectrum of conscious attributes and amazing hidden potentials of half the human population. With such unbalanced mindsets embedded in many different cultural contexts over long periods of time, this underlying prejudice, repression and uncertainty became part of the collective unconscious of large populations of both males and females wherein a small but powerful minority of women, ("morally" self-righteous and ruthless to the extreme), actually helped to keep in place these toxic programs of female-gender subjugation, devaluation, humiliation and self-loathing, in order to maintain their relative power, privilege and control over members of their own gender - but themselves still being subject to male dominance. Needless to say, all the "official histories" and rules of self-betraying might-is-right "civilization" and its authoritarian "laws", were written by and for those who perpetuated these very same biases.
The results were immediate and long lasting. The most pernicious distortions were produced by constant unconscious and uncontrolled injections of fear, anger, violence, and jealousy in association with the sexual act. A reactive attending contortion then overlaid repressive exclusivity of relationship onto sex, straitjacketing the energy's universality, which by nature dissolves all barriers to being, consciously connecting all life in the universe. It is the energy that powers all conscious evolution and transformation. Although the sex energy itself cannot be disrupted, the twisted identifications and associations toward sex in the fragmented minds of those who entertained such sets of projections were (and are) extremely debilitating. (True "pornography", is when the highest, most refined sex energy in a human is misapplied and corruptly misused - unconsciously hijacked into empowering the grosser mental, emotional, physical and instinctive impulses.)
Once the program was set for ignorant misapplication of this highly sensitive and volatile energy, a progressive worsening in the quality of life irrevocably followed. An unnatural state of tension, mistrust and disconnect arose between males, females (and other gender identities), commonly resulting in numerous unresolved misunderstandings, frustrations and conflicts, floating on an undercurrent of dissatisfaction, inadequacy, unhappiness, resentment and traumatic abuse. As a result, misogyny, misandry and outright hostility toward any outside-the norm "others", thrived in this darkness. This misery didn't stay confined between the genders, but would spill into general human relations, which were tenuously maintained by a facade of superficial civility concealing an unconscious internal savagery... Under times of extreme planetary stress, the tendency toward distortion manifested in the various neuroses, psychoses, physical diseases and sociopathic malignancies that are still seemingly prevalent everywhere. Over long periods of distortion the accumulated results of ignorance led to large-scale psychopathies such as irrational hatred of "others", xenophobia, bigotry, racism, fanaticism, mass paranoia, mob rule, criminal corruption, remorseless cruelty, rapes, homicides, suicides, mass murders, terrorism, genocides and wars, with their accompanying pan-epidemics, famines, biological, ecological and societal devastation, and the insanity of living in constant fear and dread uncertainty terrible consequences stemming from an unconscious imbalance in the creative potentiality of sex... After awhile the very idea that there was a much greater evolutionary destiny for sex was all but lost, except for a few pockets of resistance to this self-imposed ignorance. These peerless (male, female and beyond) preservers and maintainers of the Selfless Light of Tantra, carried through every imaginable adversity with unwavering equanimity... ever in calm abiding, present and awake for the awakening of universal co-creation in all...
Within these small but precious groups that still had knowledge and practice of the higher active functions of sex, information was preserved of the female's key role in higher transformational work. Through this work a human being could realize completion and perfection in that form of consciousness, and thus move on to the next level of conscious evolution in the greater universe. The passive reproduction aspect was merely a safety valve for bringing into physical manifestation that portion of consciousness that had not yet completely realized its innate unconditionality and perfection. These new embodiments would then continue to work on realization of their complete potential until there was no longer a need to re-manifest as a human being in any form. With regard to the kinds of conceptions that brought these unrealized portions of consciousness into re-manifestation, they were always voluntarized by the participants and thus the newly arisen beings would be brought into conditions that would attune and orient them to the necessities of the conscious work into which they were born. The perfecting of consciousness was the primary emphasis within these work situations, and the process of incarnation was used for bringing in beings with the capability of spreading the knowledge and beingness of this principle... Of these conscious incarnates, many were Great Lover Tantric Initiatresses, universally anticipated master teachers who were received with reverential joy and love, for they were the liberators and awakeners of all beings. These Great Being Women were the very foundation of the Lover cultures, because there was absolute and objectively impartial equality for all who lived in them. This is one of the living aphorisms that still remain. No Lover, No Beloved, Only Beloving. The existence of these cultures now seems like a far away dream, but the unshakeable reality of their Being Essence Love patiently awaits all voyagers until they are once again and forever ready to cross their welcoming threshold...
In one of the most ancient tantric temples, hidden in plain sight, transcending all overlays, is the unassailable, immutable emanation of the Open Yoni. The All Accommodating, All Enveloping Open Yoni allows resistanceless, limitless Penetration into the Absolutely Unknown Depths of Nothing. From these Unknown and Unknowable Depths comes Absolutely New Creation... yet...
In the raw, wild state, the female is capable of reaching ecstatic equilibrium through the sheer energy of her sexual drive. At this point of white hot ignition, certain alchemical changes take place. Not only does the body chemistry change, but with regard to being the consciousness also changes. There is a multidimensional shift in which the consciousness and not the chemistry now determines the state. All internal relationships are adjusted to a more awakened balance. During this, the male must be able to uphold and sustain the totally abandoned force of the female's energy without being "blown off" by the incredible intensity. If this state of transpassionate accommodation is able to be maintained to the point of ignition in the female without male ejaculation (either instinctvely, physically, emotionally, mentally or through identity), a special elixir flows from her which is to be absorbed by him, a situation in which he becomes a receptacle for her compassion-impregnated outpourings.
This tantric elixir is voluntary, not reflexive. It is consciously released - yet flows naturally - effortlessly. It is a living demonstration of Love - a flow without beginning or end. Elixir flows when all orgasms have realized the complete fulfillment of their existence... It is co-emergent holomovement - the unconditional flow of everything into everything - wholeness into wholeness into wholeness into wholeness - beyond presence and understanding yet ineffably now here. Through the Indivisible Embrace the stillness of absolute surrender co-accommodating the flow of endlessness a conscious fusion can take place in which the bipolar energy of the human is Being unified. Consciousness as such is an endless extension of refined-undefined non-duality. There is no longer the viewpoint of a "self" as an isolated fixation, but rather a viewless, qualityless void which nonetheless is immanent of and as everything. (Absolutely vital to tantric transformation/awakening is Primal Trust. Primal Trust is the true ground of all conscious work it is the seat of Conscious Love, Compassion, Faith, Hope, Conscience, Gratitude, Bliss, Kindness, Gentleness and it is the direct Pathway to Truth and Peace.)
A hint of the practice whereby this type of "fusion" was brought about is still carried to us through some of the esoteric art of ancient Egypt and India. Isis has intercourse with her dead husband's corpse and gives birth to Harpocrates, the Redeemer. Kali literally fucks the dead Shiva back to life, ultimately appearing as the Co-Emergent Transcendent Immanence of Ardhanarishvara. What are these strange images trying to tell us? They are in fact ciphered descriptions of the aforementioned sexual transformational work. In order to be able to tolerate the completely uncontrolled sexual frenzy of his female partner, the male is totally relaxed and absorbed into the death meditation. He is meditating on and one with the Clear Light Wisdom. Through this wisdom, at the moment of ignition the male energy is flawlessly drawn up to the same level of intensity as that of the female, and at the precise moment of equilibrium, fusion occurs in which pure consciousness, not matter/energy is realized as the Mother/Father of Reality. But it is an unbirth rather than a birth. Not an entering into a perpetually fragmenting reality based on space/time separation and division but a conscious non-re-entry into unbroken continuity, the annihilation of polarity into pure being. Not the Mother/Father but the One Love, Beloving. In this context "resurrection" is only a dualistic term for that which has never been born nor dead, nor "alive" in the context of the point between conception and terminus. Nor is this conception "immaculate"; it is indeed conceptionless.
Such Is SexAbsolute the Being core of All. There is no journey, goal, cultivation nor fulfillment necessary. SexAbsolute is the Co-emergent Smile of Voidness the Ultimateless Dance of Nothing that IS Everything.
