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By now, nearly everyone has heard about Lucifer, but few know that Lucifer is the one responsible for the invention and writing of the Bible. As the title Lucifer's Dream suggests, it's the story of a being who has a very unusual dream. And in this dream there's a creation; and in this creation there is the appearance of two opposing forces or principles; and in between them is a mediating principle. So this is the story of that dream. Some of these ideas have been passed down to the present from the middle eastern humans on the planet Earth. This tradition tells of a story about having lost one's original way, of having fallen, and at the same time through a particular kind of sacrifice, a redemption is brought about. Don't forget, the dream and the account of the dream are written after the fall. It's very important to remember this - that the story of the redemption comes from within the context of having already assumed that there has been a fall and that one is in that state. Through hearsay and vague rumors it has been inferred that there was a quarrel or some kind of disruption, and the One split into two. The host of the Unified split into a duality - the hosts that stayed up on one side were the "winners" and the other ones that fell down were the "losers". And in between them, defining the separation from unity, was some debris; and the debris was fought over for control. They called that debris the universe. And so in this universe, a certain story was told about "the split" and how a re-unification could be achieved once again, the idea of bringing together that which had apparently broken apart. Here the dream relates to the coming of that principle which would unify the apparently broken unity. Christ was the name given to the principle of re-unification or redemption. The story goes on to relate that there was a mission that this principle had to accomplish and Jesus would be its manifestation. There's been a great deal of talk about Jesus's having made a particular sacrifice. Why or what the sacrifice really was about is extremely obscure. The local story is that this sacrifice was made for humankind, because they were favored - chosen by the one who won, and because of this divine favoritism they were to shun the one that had lost. But Jesus had another idea in mind, an idea related to unconditional love and forgiveness. There are indications in the written or Biblical version of the story told after the fall, that Jesus had a cohort, a disciple named Judas, "the bad guy." Judas being one of Jesus's chosen closest inner circle somehow or other, at the last moment in the clutch, completely reversed his position and he betrayed Jesus. In this Biblical account, Jesus was all-knowing, the incarnation of the good God, and yet he was naive enough to pick a person who would squeal on him at the last minute and betray him. This aspect of the story goes beyond reasonableness when one considers the fact that if the redeemer was going to have anybody assist in the work of redemption, these assistants would be individuals who were totally trustworthy, and certainly Jesus wouldn't have picked anyone he couldn't trust implicitly. Jesus knew each of his assistants down to their core. And yet he allowed himself to be betrayed and executed. The conventional emphasis of this event has been toward a very dualistic interpretation. There could be another. Here is the alternative. Not only was Judas one of Jesus's disciples indeed, but he was his closest disciple in the sense that he had an all-important role to play in a much bigger drama, a situation far beyond the human scale. Many humans would like to think that Jesus did whatever he did solely for humanity, but this is not how the story unfolds. From some accounts it's told that at the Last Supper, Jesus had his chosen people, his chosen disciples with him. There were others present as well, the food servers and the householder in whose home the events took place. Jesus was communicating about eating the bread as his flesh and drinking the wine as his blood. During these proceedings Jesus mentioned that someone was going to betray him and that he knew who it was to be, but the intended meaning of these words was diametrically opposite to the conventional interpretation. In fact it was already understood by everyone that someone was going to have to betray Jesus, that they had to let the authorities know where he would be found. In a conscious drama, in a conscious act, there are no accidents. It's conscious because you specifically don't make accidental kinds of choices. Everyone knew about this including said Judas, and everyone knew that someone had to play the role of the betrayer. There was a specific reason for this. John asks Jesus who's going to be the betrayer; "Who is it? Is it I?" Jesus indicates who when he puts his hand into the same bowl, and dips his bread simultaneously with the bread of the one who's going to betray him. Now this is very unusual. Why would Jesus have blended his own flesh with the flesh of Judas, his betrayer?.... They were dipping together into the same bowl simultaneously. So Judas eats from the same bowl and drinks from the same cup that Jesus eats and drinks from. This is a very important point to understand in terms of Christ as the redemption principle. In the Biblical version, Judas is deluded, and for thirty pieces of silver he turns Jesus in to the authorities. Back come the guards and they arrest Jesus. So the next time Jesus and Judas encounter one another is at the garden where the betrayal leading to the fulfillment of the redemption takes place. Please note that both the fall and the redemption take place in a garden. Everyone is prepared. Supper finished, Jesus has gone through his ordeal alone in conscious preparation for his death. He transforms his passion into great compassion. He has been working toward this moment all his life. Meanwhile Judas has done the same thing. He's off betraying Jesus, whom he loves beyond eternity itself, to the authorities who will put Jesus to death; and so too Judas will have to prepare himself for his own death in his own way. He transforms his passion into great dispassion. Two deaths. Now why is this happening? The answer will unfold, later. The scene in the garden is probably the most important scene to understand about the whole process. Judas comes up to Jesus, and Judas kisses Jesus, and Jesus kisses Judas. What are they doing? They are kissing each other in a way that is inconceivable unless one understands what this was for in the first place. There is no mistake about kissing each other though. This was a full, mouth- to-mouth kiss where Jesus breathed into Judas his lifebreath, and Judas breathed into Jesus his lifebreath. So they have basically exchanged their lives in and with one another at that kiss. After this dramatic and moving event, Jesus is subsequently tried, tortured and crucified. Also according to some accounts, Judas, out of remorse and repentance for the horrible mistake he has made, hangs himself. As a mysterious result of all this, mankind is redeemed because Jesus has died for humanity's sins, thus atoning for the supposed fall. And this more or less marks the end of the story, except for a later addition that tells of the Second Coming which will bring to final realization the truth of the Redemption. This addition, the Book of Revelation, was written hundreds of years after the other gospels. But to return to the original story, if we look a little bit deeper we begin to understand something. Apparently there has been a fall, a separation from unity, a situation in which there's this good being sitting "up there" and there's this bad being sitting "down below", and they won't talk to each other. Each thinks the other is wrong. They will not reconcile. The positive principle thinks that it's absolutely right; the negative principle thinks that it's absolutely right, and because of this no reconciliation is possible. Now, of course, here's the trick. They will not reconcile to one another, but Jesus and Judas have kissed. They have exchanged their very lives into one another and they go off each to their own deaths. One of them, Jesus, ascends to be at the right hand of the good, "God"; and the other one, Judas, descends to be with the other principle, the evil "Satan". But there's more. This story is all about redemption. Human beings think that the Christ principle is just for saving humans from their fall into death. But there may be something a little more important than humanity involved in it, the Redemption of the First Fallen. Because "God" and "Satan" have both fallen from Unity. What's really happening is that the "good" manifestation Jesus is actually feeding, being eaten by the positive principle. Jesus is the food for the positive principle. Judas is the food for the negative principle. The positive principle will not eat with the negative principle and the negative principle will not eat with the positive principle. They won't eat each other's food. They will not merge. So how is Christ reconciling this? Basically Judas has breathed his very life into Jesus. And Jesus has breathed his very life into Judas. They have consciously died and given their lives for one another. At heart each is the other; they are both Christ. So supposedly the Devil is eating Judas, a direct manifestation of the negative, but in reality he's eating Jesus, a direct manifestation of the positive. And supposedly God is eating Jesus, but in reality he's eating Judas. In fact, the opposites are partaking of and absorbing each other. And in partaking of and absorbing one another they can no longer be separate, and no longer being separate they can no longer be disunified, for each is the other's inmost heart, and that heart is One. And that's the story of Lucifer's Dream. An unconventional but clearer rendering of the Jesus/Judas story. And perhaps the real reason that they existed and played out their drama. The dream is that reality isn't based on absolute separation of opposites but is in fact the reunification of apparent separation. So why is it called a dream? Possibly because in a dream things seem to be that are not in reality and when one wakes up one recognizes there never has been a dream in reality. But the dream-forms believe there is a dreamer. When there is awakening there is recognition that there never has been a dream or a dreamer to dream that dream, nor a separation and reunification of opposites. And that's Lucifer's Dream, The Dream Of Never Having Fallen. THERE IS NO AWAKENING FROM A DREAM THAT'S NEVER BEEN. |